24th Annual Conference of the
European Society of Criminology
Criminology goes East
11.09. - 14.09.2024
Bucharest, Romania
All photos from the conference can be downloaded from here.
Four Days of Powerful Talks
11 - 14.09.2024
Bucharest is the most Easternmost city of the conferences organised by the European Society of Criminology. The conference will tackle issues related to the development of criminology all over Europe and beyond and will be a great opportunity to bring people together in a city full of history.

What is EUROCRIM Conference?
The annual conferences of the Society provide an opportunity for the members to present papers on the results of their own research projects as well as learn about the research being done elsewhere in Europe. The conferences are also an occasion where the members can meet each other and discuss on mutual research interests; the meetings have already proved to be an important platform for new pan-European research initiatives.
At the annual conference a general assembly of the Society is convened to make decisions on the affairs of the Society and to give advice on the board members for their upcoming term.
Wednesday, 11 September 2024
9.00-20.00 - Registration
8.30-17.00 - Pre-conference meetings
17.00 - Opening Plenary, Ceremony and Awards
19.00 - Opening Concert
20.00 - Cocktail
Thursday, 12 September 2024
8.00-19.00 - Registration
8.00-09.15 - Panel session 1
9.30-10.45 - Panel session 2
11.00-12.15 - Plenary Session
13.00-14.15 - Panel session 3
14.30-15.45 - Panel session 4
16.00-17.15 - Panel session 5
17.30-18.45 - Panel session 6
18.45-20.00 - Poster Session & Ice Cream Social
Friday, 13 September 2024
8.00-19.00 - Registration
8.00-09.15 - Panel session 7
9.30-10.45 - Panel session 8
11.00-12.15 - Plenary Session
13.00-14.00 - General Assembly of the ESC
14.00-15.15 - Panel session 9
15.30-16.45 - Panel session 10
17.00-18.15 - Panel session 11
18.30-19.45 - Panel session 12
20.00-23.00 - Farewell Party (Registration Required)
22.00-04.00 - Cocktail Party (Registration Required)
Saturday, 14 September 2024
9.00-13.00 - Registration
8.00-09.15 - Panel session 13
9.30-10.45 - Panel session 14
11.00-12.15 - Plenary Session
12.15-13.00 - Closing Ceremony