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Scientific Committee

Local Committee

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Prof. Valerian Cioclei, PhD

Faculty of Law, University of Bucharest, teaches Criminology and Criminal Law. Special Part. He is a former prosecutor and was member of the commission who drafted the Romanian Criminal Code into force since 2014. He is habilitated to conduct thesis in criminology. His research focuses on etiological criminology, criminal justice policy-making and corruption offences.

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Prof. Cristina Rotaru-Radu, PhD

Faculty of Law, University of Bucharest, teaches Criminology and Criminal Law. Special Part. She is a judge within the High Court of Cassation and Justice – Criminal Chamber, until 2023 being appointed for 6 years as Director of the Romanian National Institute of Magistracy. Her research focuses on punishment and justifications of Penalties.

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Assoc. Prof. Andra-Roxana Trandafir, PhD

Is Associate Professor of Criminology and Criminal Law and Vice-Dean of the Faculty of Law, University of Bucharest, as well as a Criminal Law Lawyer. She is the co-chair of the Working group on Balkan Criminology of the ESC and also part of the network established by the Max Planck Partner Group (MPPG) for Balkan Criminology together with the University of Zagreb. She is also President of the Henri Capitant French Association of the French Legal Culture.

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Assoc. Prof. Daniela Deteseanu, PhD

Vice-Dean, Faculty of Law, University of Bucharest, is specialized in International Law, Human Rights Law and International Criminal Law, and member of European Society of International Law and International Association of Penal Law. Her research activities include the study of international crimes.

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Assoc. Prof. Ioan Durnescu, PhD

Faculty of Sociology, University of Bucharest and member of the ESC has an international reputation as a leading academic on the subject of desistance. He is editor of the European Journal of Probation and has advised the Romanian Parliament on prison and probation policy. He has undertaken developmental work in several countries, incorporating desistance theories into training and work with policy makers and practitioners.

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Prof. Sergiu Bogdan, PhD

Faculty of Law, University BabeÈ™ Bolyai of Cluj- Napoca teaches Criminology and Criminal Law. Special Part. He is member of the Cluj Bar, representing clients in business criminal law cases. He is also member of the ECPI European Criminal Law Initiative. He authored several books and articles and his research focuses on white collar crime and corruption.

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Assoc. Prof. Daniel Nitu, PhD

Faculty of Law, University BabeÈ™ Bolyai of Cluj- Napoca, teaches Criminal Law, General Part, European and International Criminal Law and Execution of Criminal Sanctions. He is a member of the Cluj Bar, as well as the European Criminal Law Academic Network, the International Association of Criminal Law and the Romanian Association of Criminal Law. His research focuses on new trends of the Romanian Criminal legislation in the field of execution of criminal sanctions and on European Criminal Law, in the matter of cooperation in criminal matters.

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Assoc. Prof. Flaviu Ciopec, PhD

Faculty of Law, West University of TimiÈ™oara, teaches Criminal Procedure Law and Criminology. He is member of ECLAN, ECBA and EFCL and fellow of Max Planck Institute for the study of Crime, Security and Law (2015-2016). He is the co-editor of Eastern-European Journal of Criminal Law and co-authored the Romanian Reports on the judgments in absentia in criminal trial (Springer, 2019) and on victims and victimology (Duncker & Humblot, 2020). As national expert, he elaborated the Romanian completeness and conformity study on the transposition of several EU Directives  (Directive 2012/29, Directive 2016/343, Directive 2016/1919, Directive 2016/800, Directive 2019/1937, Directive 2018/1808).

International Advisory Board

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Prof. Dr. h.c. mult. Hans-Jörg Al­brecht, PhD

Is a dir­ect­or emer­it­us at the Max Planck In­sti­tute for the Study of Crime, Security and Law in Freiburg/Ger­many, as well as an hon­or­ary pro­fess­or and fac­ulty mem­ber at the law fac­ulty of the Uni­versity of Freiburg. He is a guest pro­fess­or at the Cen­ter for Crim­in­al Law and Crim­in­al Justice at the China Uni­versity of Polit­ic­al Sci­ence and Law and at the law fac­ulties of Hain­an Uni­versity, Ren­min Uni­versity, Wuhan Uni­versity, Beijing Nor­mal Uni­versity, and Dali­an Ocean Uni­versity. He has thus been the academic patron to the Balkan Criminology Network since 2011 onwards.


Prof. Lesley McAra, PhD

Is the Professor of Penology in the School of Law at the University of Edinburgh and a past President of the European Society of Criminology.  Her research interests include: youth crime and juvenile justice; comparative penal policy; and the politics of punishment. She is Co-Director of the Edinburgh Study of Youth Transitions and Crime, a multiple prize-winning longitudinal programme of research which has had major policy impact, and she is a member of the editorial team of the Oxford Handbook of Criminology.

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Prof. Chris Eskridge, PhD

Prof. Eskridge currently serves as a Professor in the School of Criminology and Criminal Justice at the University of Nebraska, and as the Director of the American Society of Criminology. Professor Eskridge currently serves as the General Editor of the Journal of Contemporary Criminal Justice, and as a member of the editorial/advisory board of nine international journals. He also serves on the Program Council of the International Centre of Criminological Research and Expertise, and as a delegate to the United Nations Economic and Social Council.

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Prof. Gorazd Meško, PhD

Is Professor of Criminology and Head of Criminology Chair at the Faculty of Criminal Justice and Security, University of Maribor, Slovenia. His recent research interests include comparative criminology, legitimacy of criminal justice, crime prevention, policing, local safety and security, and fear of crime. He was co-organizer of the 2009 ESC conference in Ljubljana and President of the ESC in 2018.


Prof. John A. Winterdyk, PhD (Prof. Emeritus)

Department of Economics, Policy Studies, and Criminal Justice at Mount Royal University (MRU), Calgary, Alberta, CANADA. Full Professor of Criminology (Simon Fraser Un.) and former Director of the Centre Criminal Justice Research (MRU). John is an Adjunct and/or Visiting Scholar at six international universities and has published over 38 scholarly books. Primary areas of inquiry include human trafficking, juvenile justice, crime prevention, and comparative criminal justice research across a spectrum of topics. In addition to being one of the founding members of the Balkan Criminology Network, John has been an active member and participant of ESC since 2003.

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Prof. Anna-Maria Getos Kalac, PhD

Is Professor of criminology, victimology and basics of criminal law at University of Zagreb’s Faculty of Law and Professeur Invité at University of Lausanne’s School of Criminal Sciences and SciencesPo Paris. With her initiation of the Balkan Criminology research group, she managed to revive criminological research in the Balkans and to re-focus criminological attention back to Southeast Europe. The relevant three major “mappings” cover the core areas of the criminological landscape of the Balkans: criminology, victimology and penology (Balkan Criminology Book Series). More recently she has conducted the Balkan Homicide Study that focuses on (lethal) “Violence in the Balkans”. She also founded the transdisciplinary Violence Research Lab in Croatia, co-chairs the ESC working groups “European Violence Monitor” and “Balkan Criminology”, and has thus worked on topics such as terrorism, political violence and radicalization; fear of crime and punitivity; crime policy reform in transitional societies; organized crime, criminal state capture and corruption; Croatian and regional crime statistics, incl. European Sourcebook of crime and criminal justice statistics; ISRD3 and 4 Croatia; restorative justice and many more.


Prof. Wim Huisman, PhD

Is professor of criminology and director of the School of Criminology of the Vrije Universiteit (VU Amsterdam, the Netherlands) which offers undergraduate, graduate and PhD programs in Criminology. He is also past-president of the Netherlands Society of Criminology. The research focus of Wim Huisman is on white-collar crime, corporate crime, fraud and corruption. Wim Huisman is founder and board member of the European Working Group on Organizational Crime (EUROC) of the ESC, editor of the Routledge Handbook on White-Collar and Corporate Crime in Europe and co-editor in chief of Crime, Law and Social Change.


Prof. Michael Kilchling, PhD

Senior researcher, Max Planck Institute for Foreign and International Criminal Law, Department of Criminology, Freiburg, Germany is a lecturer at the Faculty of Law at the University of Freiburg covering the areas of criminology, penology, prison law, and juvenile justice law. His main research interests include penal sanctions and sanctioning systems, victimology, victim/offender mediation and other forms ofrestorative justice, juvenile justice, organized crime, money laundering and the financing of terrorism, confiscation and asset recovery.


Prof. Fernando Miró-Llinares, PhD

Is Professor of Criminal Law and Criminology at the Miguel Hernández University of Elche, where he is also Director of Crímina, Centre for the Analysis and Prevention of Crime. Author of more than a hundred publications in Spanish and English, he is one of the researchers with the greatest impact on issues such as cybercrime, the criminal response to it or, in general, the impact of digital technology on the criminal justice system, among other legal and social aspects. He has been principal investigator of multiple national and international projects, visiting professor at the University College of London, advisor to the Council of Europe for the use of Artificial Intelligence in prisons and to the European Commission in different fields, and is currently Coordinator of the Summer School of the European Society of Criminology and President of the Spanish Society of Criminology.


Prof. Lieven J.R. Pauwels, PhD

Is Professor of Criminology at Ghent University (Belgium). He has been involved in (comparative) studies on neighborhood effects, (moral) norms and emotions, self-control and rule-breaking / (criminal) decision-making, and is interested in measurement issues in survey research and integrated crime prevention. He was the organizer of the 19th ESC conference. 


Prof. Christophe Vandeviver, PhD

Is a Research Professor in criminology at the Institute for International Research on Criminal Policy (IRCP), Ghent University, and an International Research Fellow at the Netherlands Institute for the Study of Crime and Law Enforcement (NSCR). He is an elected Fellow of the Young Academy of Belgium. He is also chair of the European Society of Criminology’s working group on Space, Place and Crime (WG-PLACE).

His research expertise is in spatial and temporal dimensions of crime and crime control, offender
behavior, and sexual violence victimization. He is passionate about applying cutting-edge
technologies in his research.


Assist. Prof. Reana Bezić, PhD

Is Assistant Professor of Criminal Law, Criminology and Victimology at Zagreb University's Faculty of Law (Croatia). Besides teaching criminology (with basics of criminal law), victimology, juvenile criminal law etc., she has been heavily involved in comparative research on topics such as juvenile delinquency, violence, and crime statistics. Assist. Prof. Bezić thus heads the Croatian Violence research Lab project from June 2021. She earned her PhD at the University of Freiburg’s Faculty of Law in coop. with the Max Planck Institute for Foreign and International Criminal Law in Freiburg (MPICC), Germany.

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